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A Review of the Eye10 Industry Checker Tool

Category: Eye10 tools Posted on 12-03-2023

With numerous websites competing for attention on search engines, it can be difficult to determine where your business stands within your industry. This is where the Eye10 Industry Checker comes in.

The Eye10 Industry Checker is a powerful tool designed to help you understand your website’s place online by identifying the top websites most similar to your niche.

This information is valuable as it allows you to ensure that your content is aligned with your industry competitors in addition to your SEO competitors.

With this tool, you can gain insights into the top-performing websites within your industry and identify areas where you can improve your website’s performance. Keep reading to know more about this incredible tool.



First Things First

Eye10 has made the process of analyzing your industry competitors an easy and seamless one. Therefore, all you need to get started is to enter your website URL and the keywords you want to target, then select the ‘Let’s Check’ button.

You can enter up to five keywords with which the Eye10 algorithm will conduct a detailed analysis.

In addition, if you are not based in the US or if your SEO strategy is an international one covering various countries of the world, then you also get the option of adjusting the location to fit your target.

Once all these are settled, you sit back and let the Eye10 algorithm do its work, and it takes only a few seconds to generate real-time data from which you can extract insights.


Current Ranking

Once the results are generated, the first section shows your website’s ranking for the respective keywords in the specified location. The exact position will be specified if your site ranks in the top 100.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t, and that is a sure sign that you need to work harder at getting your site highly ranked for that particular keyword. In addition to that, you’ll also see the search volume for each keyword.

This is an important metric to consider when planning your SEO strategy, as it indicates how competitive a keyword is, which can further determine the difficulty level it’ll attract.



Industry Competitors

The next sections of the analysis page give you data concerning your competitors. First, the industry competitors section shows you a list of your five main competitors.

However, it does not stop at that since SEO competition can be complicated and based on various metrics.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the capacity of your competitors and how difficult it would be to challenge them, you should also pay attention to the other metrics indicated for each competitor. ‘RD’ means referring domains, which shows the number of unique domains linking to that website.

As you probably already know, backlinks and link building are important ranking factors in SEO. The second metric is the domain rating, a score weighted over 100, which shows how authoritative the website is.

This is followed by traffic estimation, which indicates the number of visitors the website attracts.



In addition to your main competitors, Eye10 shows you filtered out competitors; you still need to watch out for industry competitors even though they may not directly challenge your audience base. In this subsection, only the number of referring domains and domain ratings are shown; the list extends up to ten entries.



Keyword Gaps

The following section shows the keyword gaps between your website and each competitor domain.

You click on each website to discover where the differences are. It also helps that for each keyword; you’ll see where each domain ranks for that keyword and the search volume for the keyword.

Analyzing keyword gaps helps you find ranking opportunities you might have missed. In this way, you can enhance your SEO by gleaning information from competitors in your field.




Keyword Similarities

In addition to keyword gaps, you also get to view the keyword similarities data, which shows how your site performs in relation to your competitors for certain keywords.

Then you can compare how you rank differently for each keyword and where adjustments need to be made in your content strategy.



SEO Audit

The final section of the Eye10 Industry Checker is a comprehensive on-site audit of how your website content performs.

In this case, the data are presented separately for each analyzed keyword, giving you an excellent overview of the effects of your strategy. This includes a percentage rating for your website and a list of issues your website faces.



Each issue is categorized as ‘Good’ or ‘Not Good’ depending on the live data generated by Eye10. These issues are related to header tags, content analysis, and keyword suggestions.

Even though your competitors don’t feature in this data section, knowing where your website might be lagging and how you need to improve helps you figure out ways to enhance your SEO strategy.



One final great feature of the Eye10 Industry Checker is exporting reports from the data analysis as CSV or PDF files. You can also forward the reports via email to your team members. This ensures good collaboration when analyzing data to improve your SEO strategy.



The Eye10 Industry Checker is an invaluable tool for businesses looking to gain insights into their industry and improve their online performance. Its ease of use, speed and detailed reporting make it a must-have for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the power of the Industry Checker, you can gain a competitive advantage and stay ahead of the curve in your industry. Head to Eye10’s list of SEO tools and get started with the Industry Checker today!


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