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What to Look for When Performing an SEO Audit on Your Website

Category: seo Posted on 02-03-2023

SEO is optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can increase traffic, improve user experience, and ultimately boost revenue.

However, SEO is not a one-time fix; it requires ongoing effort and continuous analysis. Keep reading to discover what to look for when performing an SEO audit on your website, so you can identify areas that need improvement and develop a plan to enhance your website’s visibility and performance.


1. Site Structure and Navigation

A well-organized site structure and clear navigation can improve the user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site. When examining site structure during an SEO audit, you’ll want to ensure the following:


2. On-Page SEO

This involves changing various elements on the page, such as the content, HTML source code, and images. On-page SEO tactics typically focus on improving the relevance and usability of the content, optimizing the page’s metadata, and ensuring that the site is crawlable by search engines.

Some specific on-page SEO factors to consider during an audit include:


3. Content Quality

When conducting an SEO audit, it is essential to evaluate the quality of your content to ensure that it is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

To assess the quality of your content, several factors must be considered. You must ensure that the content is:

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4. Mobile-Friendliness

When conducting an SEO audit, it is important to evaluate the mobile-friendliness of your website to ensure that it is optimized for mobile devices. Ask yourself the following questions as you do so:


5. Technical SEO

Technical SEO refers to optimizing your website’s infrastructure and technical elements to improve your search engine rankings.

Some of the technical SEO elements you should evaluate include the following:


6. Site Speed

A website that is slow to load can be frustrating, resulting in a poor user experience and lower engagement.

In addition, search engines like Google have indicated that site speed is a ranking factor, meaning faster websites may rank higher in search engine results.

To improve your site speed, you can take several actions, such as:



7. Social Media Integration

This involves assessing how your website is connected to your social media channels and whether or not you are making the most of these platforms to drive traffic and engagement.

Consider how you are using social media to promote your website. Are you regularly sharing your content and engaging with your followers? Are you using paid social media advertising to drive traffic to your site?

Optimizing your social media integration can improve your website’s visibility and ranking.


8. Local SEO

Local SEO is essential to any website audit, especially if you have a business that serves customers in a specific geographic area.

The following are the steps you need to take to enhance your local SEO:


9. Backlinks and External Links

When examining backlinks during an SEO audit, you’ll want to focus on the quality and relevance of the links. External links are also important to consider during an SEO audit.

Ensure that all external links on your site work properly and direct visitors to be relevant and reputable sources. Broken or irrelevant links can harm your website’s user experience and impact your SEO rankings.

In addition, it can also be helpful to look at your competitors’ links for link-building opportunities. This is where the Eye10 Competitor Research tool is really useful for any SEO professional.



10. Analytics and Tracking

To perform a successful SEO audit, you must connect your website to analytics and tracking tools that provide valuable insights into how visitors interact with your website and can help you identify areas for improvement.

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides detailed information about your website’s traffic. Another important tool is Google Search Console, which provides information about your website’s performance in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In addition to these tools, you also need the Eye10 suite of SEO tools. Eye10 lists several tools for competitor research, keyword planning, backlink monitoring, rank checker, and more, all for a combined low subscription of $39 with enhanced insights and real-time data.



By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance your website’s SEO. Remember to regularly monitor your website’s performance and stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithms to stay ahead of the competition.

Suppose you are looking for a suite of powerful SEO tools to help you optimize your website. In that case, you must sign up on Eye10, which can provide valuable insights and actionable recommendations to take your website’s SEO to the next level.


Can I perform an SEO audit myself, or should I hire a professional?

You can perform an SEO audit yourself if you have the necessary knowledge and experience, but it may be beneficial to hire a professional if you are unsure about the process or if you need help implementing recommendations.

How often should I perform an SEO audit?

It is recommended to perform a full-scale comprehensive SEO audit at least once a year, but it may be necessary to perform one more frequently if your website has undergone significant changes or if you have noticed a decline in search engine rankings or traffic.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when performing an SEO audit?

Some mistakes include relying solely on automated tools, overlooking user experience issues, and ignoring local SEO considerations.

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